Greetings to all our readers. The good ship ‘Trinity’ has now left port after the half term break and is now heading for the open sea. We finished the last half term with an excellent BBQ – my grateful thanks to my PA Mrs Michelle Maher and her ‘accomplice’ Mrs Louise Moniz for their excellent work in making this such a great success. Even the weather behaved! Exams are in full swing and appear to have gone most smoothly. My thanks to Cliona Gormley, our Exams Officer, ably supported by Gill Slattery and our host of excellent invigilators. Of course, our PE department continue to thrive and are now planning the usual sports days. We seems to have a little problem with the signage at Whitbreads. I just pray that we can resolve this. Naturally, all our scholars in Years 11 and 13 have to see the exam period through with all its various demands. However, they are now looking forward to their great celebrations – the Year 11 Prom and the Year 13 Leavers Ball. Finally, we are also in the season of the Great Feasts of the Incarnation, the Ascension, Corpus Christi and the Feast of the Sacred Heart being especially prominent. Let us pray the weather does turn a little warmer and a lot more golden.
Thank you for reading this.

My best regards,

Dr P.C. Doherty OBE  
