Reporting Bullying


At Trinity Catholic High School, we have a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to bullying.

Bullying is generally characterised as:

Repetition – incidents are not one offs; they are frequent and happen over a period of time

Intent – The perpetrator(s) mean to cause verbal, physical or emotional harm; it is not accidental

Targeting – Bullying is generally targeted at a specific individual or group.

Power Imbalance – Whether real or received, bullying, is generally based on unequal power relations.

Many kinds of behaviour can be considered bullying and can be related to almost anything.

Bullying is usually acted out through the following mediums:

  • Verbally
  • Physically
  • Emotionally
  • Online (Cyber)

In order for us to do this effectively, we need you to give us as much information as possible.

If we need to speak with a student, this will be done discretely and no one will know that you have logged a bullying concern with us.

Remember, it may not be you that is being bullied and we would encourage you to report any cases of bullying.

Please speak to your form tutor, head of year or trusted adult if you’re being bullied.